How early should I arrive for my first appointment?
You can fill in your intake form online before you come in, so you can arrive at your appointment time.
Do I need to fill in any forms?
You need to fill in a form with your personal details, questions about your medical history and a cancellation policy before your first consultation. This will be sent to you in your confirmation email for your booking, as well as the reminder email you’ll receive 2 days before your appointment.
Can I bring my kids in while I’m being treated?
Usually it’s best for you to come on your own if possible - most parents struggle to relax fully when their children are in the treatment room. This is your time. However, if your childcare plans fell through, you really need treatment, and there is no way around it, bring your kids.
What should I bring?
Just yourself. If you do have copies of the results of previous X-rays, MRIs etc, do bring them with you.
What should I wear?
Wear comfortable stretchy clothing that is easy to move around in. Avoid jeans and other heavy fabrics. Women - please don’t wear a tight sports bra! No bra is best if you are comfortable that way.
Do I have to take my clothes off?
Sometimes you might need to dress down a little so we can assess a particular joint (e.g. exposing the ankle or the knee). For treatment you don’t have to take your clothes off.
Does it hurt?
Osteopathic techniques are rarely painful and you are encouraged to tell your therapist if you are hurting. Usually there are ways around it, and if we are doing the right thing at the right time, we don’t need to use a lot of force. The old tale of “no pain no gain” just simply is not true.
How long will my appointment take?
For the first consultation for adults, reserve between 45-60min. For continuation appointments, 30-45min. For children, initial appointments take between 30-45min, and follow-up appointments between 20-30min.